Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: Product: Amiga Classix Reviewer: Neil Bullock REQUIREMENTS Memory: Varies Processor: Varies Installable?: Some Graphics: Standard Sound: Standard Amiga ClassiX is a product which strikes you as excellent value for money when you see the advert for it. It says 'over 300 commercial games, many of them Full Versions' then proceeds to list loads of games which gives the impression that they are all the full games you can expect to find on the CD. If you decided to order the CD on the basis of the advert alone, then you would be sorely disappointed because, basically, the CD is based around a PC emulator. About 15 full games are runnable from the CD while the rest have to be converted from ADF format. And there's only about 25 full games in total anyway! The rest are OLD COVERDISKS!!! From all different kinds of magazines all around the world, and Epic have gone ahead and put loads of old Amiga Magazine coverdisks on this CD. So I had to get the old PC out to test the damn thing, and upon finding the version of UAE Epic supplied didn't work, I was forced to download my own from the new, which worked first time! At least the other Emulator they included works. Fellow is the emulator responsible for running the games on the CD. It works and it's pretty good, however, that's not what we're reviewing. It wouldn't be getting such a bad score if Epic had actually advertised it for what it is! The fact that their advert includes no reference whatsoever to the fact that this revolved around a PC-Amiga Emulator really is very sloppy on the parts of Epic. The content is good, but not very well organised and it isn't what it claims to be. Graphics: N/A Sound: N/A Addiction: N/A Overall Score: 71% Comment: Good content, but badly organised and stored )) HDA ))